Center for Nanoscale Materials

DOE BES FY15 -- present

A primary support of our work since 2014, the DOE NSRC program allocates staff time and resources at no cost for open research through triannual proposal calls (typically July, October, March). If you are interested in our research, we strongly recommend contacting Pierre a few weeks ahead of the deadline for guidance/help in writing the proposal.

The program is funded through the Department of Energy Office of Science, Scientific User Facilities, and the principal investigator of this project is the Center for Nanoscale Materials division director (since 2014: Andreas Roelofs, Supratik Guha, and Ilke Arslan).

Find some of our highlights over the years below. Our contributions include code development, electronic structure and transport simulations of nano and energy materials, either in collaboration with, or in support of external users.

Some highlights of our collaborative user support work with experimental users. Left: Identification of the borophane structure (Li et al., 2021). Center: Mechanism of Rectification in asymmetrically coupled fullerene bilayers (Smerdon et al., 2017). Right: Mechanism of bond breaking in silane junctions (Li et al., 2016).