Dr. Sraddha Agrawal joins the group, welcome Sraddha!

Dr. Sraddha Agrawal joins the Center for Nanoscale Materials as a postdoctoral fellow! Prior to joining the group, Sraddha obtained her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Southern California.

At Argonne, Sraddha will work on developing an understanding and controlling optomechanical effects in low-symmetry materials using first-principles-informed calculations, reinforcement learning, and machine learning.

This work is a close collaboration with the experimental group of Richard Schaller at CNM, and will immensely benefit from the wisdom and guidance of Steve Whitelam at the Molecular Foundry and the knowledge of the groups of Maria Chan and Subramanian Sankaranarayanan in CNM Theory and modeling group.

Sraddha’s Linkedin page

Sraddha’s Google Scholar