Welcome to Phonon_Dynamics's documentation!¶
This code simulates the time-evolutions of phonons in contact with (non-equilibrium) charge carriers (electrons/holes). This is accomplished by solving the Boltzmann transport equation for the coupled electron-, hole- and phonon-subsystems using a direct time-stepping technique. The code can currently model this dynamics in the presence of mode-dependent 3-phonon phonon-phonon interactions and first-order electron-phonon interactions using Fermi Golden Rule. The code is interfaced with EPW and Quantum Espresso.
The code is divided into multiple steps:
Running the code is achieved through running the bash file Phonon_Dynamics_1.sh and Phonon_Dynamics_2.sh. The code can run dynamics for holes, electrons, or both.
The code offers these other functionalities as well
Files Name and Role¶
omegaq.freq: Phonon frequencies (in cm-1) read by the find_scattering_events code (no negative/imaginary frequency can be present in this file) phband.freq: Phonon frequencies (in meV) for plotting/analysis purpose
Running the Code¶
Upon approval and activation of a CNM user Proposal , the code can be found in the shared directory /home/share/cnmProposalNumber/. The code can be run on Carbon using the PBS scheduling system. An example script for running on Carbon:
#!/bin/bash #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16:gen4 #PBS -l walltime=50:00:00 #PBS -N ... #PBS -A cnm50326 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 module load gcc/4.9/4.9.3-1 g++ -fopenmp ph_dynamics2.cpp ./a.out > filout
Running the same code on Argonne LCRC:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36 #SBATCH --job-name=sil_dynamics_vb #SBATCH --time=12:00:00 #SBATCH -A ... #SBATCH -p bdwall export OMP_NUM_THREADS=36 g++ -fopenmp ph_dynamics2.cpp ./a.out > filout