Pierre Darancet

Theory of Nanoscale Information and Energy Transport.


Building 440

9700 S. Cass Avenue

Lemont, IL 60439

We are a group interested in the theory of optical, electronic, thermal, and mechanical response of low-symmetry materials, including nanomaterials, interfaces, and correlated materials. We are part of the Theory and Modeling group at the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) at Argonne National Laboratory. Our research is highly collaborative in nature and leverages the extraordinary context of the Department of Energy Scientific User Facilities. If our research interests you, consider becoming a CNM user!

We are always looking for motivated postdoctoral/graduate student applicants, as well as undergraduate summer interns. Current foci of the group include the theory and simulation of optomechanical, electrothermal, and electromechanical effects, as well as artificial intelligence approaches to non-linear oscillators, synchronization, and optimal control theory. Please contact Pierre if interested.


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